A load cell is a force transducer. It converts a force such as tension, compression, pressure, or torque into an electrical signal that can be measured and standardized. As the force applied to the load cell increases, the electrical signal changes proportionally. The most common types of load cell used are strain gauges, pneumatic, and hydraulic, pneumatic.
A load cell is a sensor or a transducer that converts a load or force acting on it into an electronic signal. When a load/force/stress is applied to the sensor, it changes its resistance. This change in resistance leads to a change in output voltage when an input voltage is applied.
Loadcells are generally blocks of metal on which strain gauges are attached.Strain gauges are general the brain of the loadcell, it is generally attached on the side of the Metal block as per the different shapes.The strain gauge is glued to the loadcell with the help of white special silicone applicant adhesive. Different shapes and sizes of the loadcell help to exert different types of pressure hence can measure different capacities.
There are a variety of loadcells with different shapes and sizes, each shape has a different
application. The common types of loadcell are:-
– Single point loadcell
– S type Loadcell
– Beam / ShearBeam Loadcell
– Compression Loadcell
– Cup & Ball type Loadcell
– Pancake Loadcell
– Pin type
– Tension-type
For most industrial use, mostly strain gauge load cell is commonly used, as it is accurate and cost-effective too. The loadcell is used made of aluminum, alloy steel, or stainless steel which makes it sturdy but minimally elastic. When force is exerted on the load cell, the spring element is slightly deformed, and unless overloaded, always returns to its original shape. As the spring element deforms, the strain gauges also change shape. The resulting alteration to the resistance in the strain gauges can be measured as a voltage. The change in voltage is proportional to the amount of force applied to the cell, thus the amount of force can be calculated from the load cell’s output.